Archie P.'s review of Seacoast Garage Doors

Seacoast Garage Doors

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Buildnet Corp
3.7 star rating 999 miles
Apache West Homes & Construction
2313 miles
Triple E Construction
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PROgressive AMenities, Inc.
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/11/2011
. 2
. 0
Review 7/11/2011
AVOID SEACOAST GARAGE DOORS IN COSTA MESA AT ALL COSTS!!!! I was hustled into calling these guys because one of the springs on my new home's garage door busted. Their stickers were on the garage door (albeit fraudulently, come to find out after reading Michael K's review), and so I called them, hoping they would come out and fix the door free of charge. Boy was I wrong. I got hustled into paying $175 x 2 for the two springs, and then another $100+ for 30 minutes of labor. What's more is that they charged me an additional $25 in order to come out (service charge, which should be part of the labor in most cases), and then an additional-additional fee of $21 which they tack as a "surcharage." I told the rep, Ryan, who installed the springs, who seemed nice enough, to LEAVE THE OLD SPRINGS BEHIND (one of them was still good of course)... he said he'd leave them both... but then put them in his truck upon leaving -- yes -- my springs were taken without my knowledge, after I asked him to leave them behind! I am considering a chargeback on my credit card as the newly installed springs and tension is not even enough to hold the door up. And how do you steal from your customers who put food on your table?? And that's not even counting the "highway robbery" prices and surcharges... NO GOOD -- I LEARNED TO AVOID SEACOAST GARAGE DOORS!!!!
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Hours   Phone   (949) 642-3490 Address   1835 Whittier Avenue, Suite F12
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Website Email
Contact   Joseph Serdoz Other  
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