Brian J.'s review of IceBear ATV

IceBear ATV

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/11/2018
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Don't blame the Mfr - they did not assemble or set up your unit. Blame the assembler...
There has been some real crap on the market through the years but most of it is gone. I have been in the Chinese power sport business since its infancy in the early 2000's. Seen a lot in this time period, True junk - ok - decent product from China. One thing I hear over and over again is everything built in China is junk. At one time Honda got a bad rap when they were selling their crated un-assembled units to the public and they were known as Jap Scrap. Honda learned quickly they made a mistake and the reason you can't buy any of the big branded bikes in the crate today. 95% of the quality of anything is due to correct assembly. The real issue here is most of the Chinese importers will sell their units to anyone including the public who half-a$$ the assembly mostly out of ignorance. I have seen these dealerships come and go through the years - heard my share of shade tree mechanics ordering units online to save a few bucks for their kids Christmas gift, assemble the unit in the back yard with the know it all neighbor drinking beer - then putting their kid on the unit (heck do they even know what Loc-Tite is). There is a lot more to these units than installing the handlebars, wheels etc... As with any dealership there is an extensive assembly checklist that needs to be followed closely with no short cuts. The big 4 manufactures units come crated just like the Chinese units. The only difference is the controlled assembly process. Right out of the crate the Big 4's units are virtually the same as the Chinese units. Most of your comments and other's comments are directly because of a poor assembly, inspection and pre break-in service that is provided by reputable dealers. We offer a free break-in service to all of our customers as do the Big 4 franchise dealers (for a fee) - this is a mandate from the mfr to keep the warranty active and make sure everything is adjusted properly and safe. Very few of the complaints I hear or read online are the manufacturer's faults - again its in the final assembly. I feel your frustration along with many others. Its sad to see these mfr's just sell to any of these Joe Schmo importers that don't care about reputation and consumer safety who in turn just sell to any start up dealer or the end consumer who are not qualified to assemble or service these types of units... Just my two cents... Brian
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