Jaqueline L.'s review of General Remodeling and Construction Corp.

General Remodeling and Construction Corp.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/4/2010
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Review 1/4/2010
My husband Norman and I bought our first home 3 years ago. At that time a two bedroom, two bath was perfect for us, and our 2 year old son Daniel. It was a fixer upper but it was ours and we were beginning to live the American dream. We would talk at night before going to sleep about all the things we wanted to do with the house but figured it would have to be later, when we could afford things. Well later came sooner than we thought with the addition of our daughter Rosie. With careful scrutiny we began interviewing remodeling companies and taking estimates. We became so discouraged with the prices we were getting, the pushy attitude of the estimators and then the bombardment of calls we got promising us that whoever was on the other end of the phone was the best company for the job. I had nearly given up when we came across "General Remodeling & Construction". First of all they were able to come out when both Norm and I were available which is a task in itself. The estimator spent over 4 hours with us, answering every question no matter how small it was. He showed us simulated versions of what our house could look like and brought samples of materials. Norm and I discussed it that night after he left and decided General was perfect for us in every way! What we did was add an entire level to our house, we had Rosie's room built, moved Daniel upstairs into another bedroom we built, added a bathroom and put it all together with a spiral staircase. We then turned the downstairs unused bedroom into a game room, our house went from an average single level home to a glamorous, luxurious two story house and the price was something that we could very comfortably work with. In fact we are looking to have them put in our pool and jacuzzi next summer. I was in constant communication with our project manager. If I had an idea or wanted to change something he was right there to guide me. Something that I thought was going to be overwhelming was exciting and wonderful. We watched our American Dream turn into a reality in front of our very eyes and we couldn't have done it without General Remodeling and Construction, you know they've become like part of the family! Thank you General!!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 209-8589 Address   2230 West Chapman Avenue, Suite 157
Orange, CA 92868
Website   http://www.generalremodelingcorp.com Email   info@generalremodelingcorp.com
Contact   Jose Garcia Other  
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